This is what we stand for.
Investing in our Future
Combat the homelessness crisis in California
a) Improve accounting and transparency in state funding to make the most of our resources
b) Ensure competent and efficient administration of Prop 1 (mental health), including citizen’s oversight commissions and regular audits
c) Implement a competitive bid/grant process that is geared toward holistic organizations and clinics providing mental health support
Boost public education and resist privatization, make public college free; boost workforce and skill-based programs.
Invest in mental health services, substance use treatment, jobs for our youth, restorative justice and violence prevention strategies that actually keep us safe.
Reforming State Policies
Make Voting Day a half-day or full-day state holiday in California
Slash regulations on small businesses that are currently stifling economic growth in California
a) Focus California start-up grants on small businesses
b) Make sick pay requirements pro rata for hours worked by employees, rather than current 40 hour annual floor
Combat gun violence through targeted, reasonable regulation
a) Enforcing gun laws already in effect, including safe storage, background checks, and preventing guns from reaching hands of folks who should not have them (by law)
b) Close gun sale loopholes
c) Regulate “ghost” guns and 3D printed weapons (taxes, enforce ban on ghost guns)
d) Increase training requirements prior to obtaining guns
Reduce waste in California’s state government spending and avoid wasteful projects
a) Independent analysis of State owned buildings to determine whether some could be redeveloped as affordable housing.
Develop a comprehensive and smart approach to smartphone use by minors, especially at schools
Enhance environmental protections that expand renewable energy sources and eliminate fossil fuels.
Advance legislation and ballot measures that end the undue influence of big money in California elections.
End mass incarceration, the failed war on drugs, the death penalty, solitary confinement, the practice of charging youth as adults and other punitive policies and practices that disproportionately impact BIPOC communities in California; provide people behind bars with humane conditions, educational opportunities, quality physical and mental health care.
Support candidates who will avoid taking big donor, special interest money
Protecting and Expanding our Rights
Realize the vision of housing as a human right so that all people, regardless of wealth or income level, can have stable, affordable housing.
a) Reform CEQA so infill and redevelopment projects are streamlined
b) Promote a definition of affordable housing to eliminate loopholes for luxury housing and allow appropriate developments to move forward more easily
c) Promote state-wide initiatives for mixed-use zoning and walkable communities, considering such examples as Maydestone and WAL
d) Consider Tax Credits as incentive system for supporting (re)development of affordable housing
Protect women’s reproductive freedoms, including supporting American women not in California who may seek care in California
Advocate for Medicare for All at federal and state levels, affirming that healthcare is a fundamental human right, de-linked from wealth and employment status.
Further LGBTQI rights and justice.
Work for a society where democracy, equality, equity, respect for the humanity of all and responsibility for the common good prevail.